Bees Are Attacking My Deck!

There is something unsettling about watching a big fat bee wiggling its way into a hole under your deck. It is even more unsettling to find several holes under your deck. It's sort of like the opposite of Christmas. Imagine how excited you feel when you come downstairs to see all of those gifts. The world is full of possibilities. There could be anything under there. When you peer under your deck and see all those carpenter bee holes, the last thing you want to think about is all the possibilities. Don't worry. You're in the right place. Here is a quick primer on what you need to know about carpenter bees.
- Pest Identification. It is important to recognize what carpenter bees look like. If you have big fat bees flying around your home, they may be bumblebees. Bumblebees and carpenter bees look a lot alike. The easiest way to tell them apart is by their hind section. Carpenter bees are black from the waist back. Bumblebees are fuzzier looking and have some yellow in that hind section.
- Hole identification. Carpenter bee holes are usually almost perfectly round. If you find large, irregular holes, these are most likely from damage done over many seasons.
- Carpenter bees attack unfinished wood. If you haven't gotten carpenter bees yet, now is the time to varnish or paint that wood. If you have unfinished edges, you can seal those with metal covers or a thick coat of varnish or paint.
- It is best to prevent carpenter bees in early spring before they reuse old tunneling. Use a caulking gun to fill holes or plug the hole with wooden plugs.
- Carpenter bees can get into your wall voids. Sealing rotted holes, gaps, and cracks will keep them out.
- Carpenter bees aren't usually stinging insects. Males don't have the ability to sting and the females die after stinging, so they won't sting unless they feel strongly that their nest is being threatened.
- This insect does not eat wood. Chewing wood is only to make a home from which they can go out and feed on the pollen and nectar from plants.
- Carpenter bees are not an immediate threat to your home but can be over time if left untreated.
This can be a frustrating and elusive pest to deal with. If you have carpenter bees boring holes into your deck, consider consulting a professional. When you contact Witt Pest Management, we'll inspect your property and determine how severe the damage is and describe in better detail how your property is attracting them. When it comes to wood-destroying pests, it is always good to get a professional opinion.